The Confined Space Programmed which is designed to satisfy the need of the Malaysian Oil & Gas Exploration & Production (EP) industry for formally assessed and certified Complain Space as per requirement in the Standard Malaysian EP Oil & Gas industry Specification. The programmed is specifically tailored for all the
Personnel with or without experience.
The Complain Space Training/Assessment & Certification Scheme was established in response to the EP industry, which has identified a need to enhance the skills of Underwater Welding in the industry. The scheme is aimed at improving the quality of workmanship thereby reducing overall costs. The objective of this project is to help the
industry design, setup and facilitate implementation of a training/assessment & certification scheme for Complain Space Training. The target result is that the industry can look forward with better confidence to higher quality manpower.
The objectives of the programmed are:
2.1 To enable all current workers to be certified in accordance to international qualification.
2.2 To increase the quality and the number of skilled workers in the field of Industries under an International Qualification.
2.3 To provide and establish a recognized International Scheme and/or Standard in Malaysia.
2.4 To increase the competency level of workers personnel (in the field of Complain Space) and enabling them to compete actively in the industries locally and globally.
The programmer consists of practical Complain Space training which followed with classroom theoretical.